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  • Why do I care this is a trauma-informed training?
    No one has escaped trauma. It is the great equalizer and knows no boundaries. This program is crafted to honor your unique journey, respecting that your body and mind have their own story and inherited history. With somatic healing practices, mindfulness, and grounding techniques, you’ll learn how to create a space that feels safe, compassionate, and supportive—for yourself and others. And if you choose to teach, your class will feel like a standout, something beautifully unique in our current market.
  • Will I learn Kundalini practices here?
    While this training isn’t centered on Kundalini Yoga alone, you will receive a beautiful foundational awareness of what the practice is and is not! We will incorporate some aspects of it, especially where it aligns with somatic healing and energy work. Think of Kundalini as another tool in your yoga toolkit, helping you deepen your understanding of breathwork, energy flow, and mind-body connection. We keep things accessible, guiding you through these practices in a way that feels safe, gentle, and supportive.
  • Will we explore sound healing?
    Yes. like how could we not!!! Sound healing is a vital part of creating a calming and transformative space, and you’ll be introduced to its basic principles as well as a introduction to many of the sacred instruments at Divinity!. You will learn how certain frequencies, tones, and rhythms can support relaxation and healing. From chimes and bowls to guided sound meditations, you’ll have the opportunity to experience sound as a powerful companion in yoga practice.
  • How intense is the training? Will I be doing handstands by the end?
    Our focus is on deepening understanding, not mastering every pose. The training is intense in the best way—mentally and spiritually, not physically. If you end up doing handstands, fantastic! But if you prefer a grounded, steady practice, that’s wonderful too. Our emphasis is on safe alignment and accessible postures that honor each person’s unique body.
  • Chakras, alignment, ancient philosophy—do I need to know all this already?
    Not at all! We start at the beginning and keep things approachable and simple. Chakras, alignment, and ancient philosophy are science based ways to understand your body, mind, habitual behaviors, inherited beliefs, and the world around us. Think of it as a journey through the subtle layers of yoga, where each layer brings something new and magical.
  • What’s all this about the Eight Limbs? Is this like an octopus thing?
    Good question! While octopi are fascinating, the Eight Limbs of Yoga are Patanjali’s roadmap to a balanced life. Think of each "limb" as a guiding principle that helps you live yoga—not just do yoga. From self-discipline to meditation, they create a full-spectrum approach to well-being and self-discovery. It’s simpler than it sounds, and we’ll help bring it all to life.
  • Do I have to want to become a yoga teacher to join?
    Not at all! This training is a journey for truth and wisdom seekers, as well as aspiring teachers. Think of it as an adventure in understanding yoga’s deeper mysteries, a path of self-discovery and healing. Whether you want to lead classes or simply explore the layers of this ancient practice, you’re in the right place.
  • Who is leading this program?
    Our Studio Partner, Jodi Weiner, with 36 years of yoga experience, 15 years of yoga teaching, and expertise as a trauma educator has written this "beyond the basics" training. She’s committed to bringing ancient yoga wisdom to life with heartfelt joy and a dash of whimsy—preparing you not just to teach yoga, but to live it. Jodi has been in the seat of teacher trainer since 2010, certifying hundreds if yoga teachers and thousands of trauma informed graduates across the country. Lea Angelos (Studio Owner) will be joining Jodi to share her passion for Sound Healing and Kundalini Yoga practices!
  • What's the one thing I should expect about this training?
    We can’t say for sure, but students often find unexpected layers of self-understanding, new friendships, and a newfound sense of calm. Many say it feels like coming home to themselves in a way they didn’t know they were searching for. Jodi has heard this most often: "I had no idea yoga was all of this and I could not begin to imagine life without all these incredible tools."
  • What if I’m worried about committing to such a big journey?
    Committing to this path is a courageous leap! But you won’t be doing it alone. We believe in a joyful approach to learning, so your sessions blend serious study with laughter, curiosity, and exploration. It’s about creating a supportive community where you can grow at your own pace. Your yoga family share this journey right alongside you watching your own breakthroughs and and transformations.


Live Your Yoga

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